Monday, December 20, 2010

Making Lead Pyramid Sinkers

Madame mouse

knows who they are not that many Christmas stories? Of Mice, Nutcracker, the many Christmas trees, Nicholas and of course by the Christ Child. Everywhere they are known, all know one way or another. Beautiful, sad, but also terrible. One was hinted at many times, thought by many, but never told. I will do it now.

The story begins in a cold and wet winter day. Very cold weather is outside. The large crowds have all retreated into their homes. They are nestled close together in front of his living room a small stove. In such a house also lives Madame mouse. She joins but not before the stove, for there it is, unfortunately, undesirable. It has set up her small apartment near the stove. They can always warm up on the warm rocks behind the wall. But today this is impossible. Because today is Christmas Eve, not only among the people. A fact that Madame does not matter. For only the morning is of interest to them, because then they can look for the leftovers from the night before together and put them in their pantry. No, today is a special day for the mouse. She prefers the mirror in just her lovely pink dress. As already ringing their little alarm clock. Travel jacket is dressed quickly. Thus, the mouse runs out of the house, out of town towards the woods. Across the field and in the woods. The big heavy snowflakes impede the view. Barely 2 meters, the distance can see what Madame. The day passed with a few last rays of sun. And now comes in the night. A fog bank moves slowly threatening the forest. This, however, noted Madame mouse is not much. A small hole under a big oak tree is the goal of the mighty mouse. A few small hopper and yes Madame is safe under the earth. After a few steep steps which led into the depths of the small gear will get bigger and bigger. Roots of the oak adorn the hallway. Now, small candles appear that the black diving gear in a dull yellowish light. The trip is quick coat to a free hook hung on the wall. At each level there are hooks to hang coats each in all sizes, shapes and colors. It continues into the depths. A gigantic spiral staircase which was carved from the rock turns in yawning depths. The mouse scurries down the stairs. Below is reached softly small silvery light beam through the entrance. Quite out of breath calms down only once and then enters Madame with appropriate steps from the portal. I just now opened the eyes of the little mouse Madame killed her breath.

She stood at the edge of a forest clearing. On the right side went up a steep rock face high and higher. At the top of the fell down a waterfall in the summer. But since we cold winter icicles hanging over great whites have in a variety of blue-and. In all sizes and shapes. At the Eiszäpfen hang or stand on a few small paragraphs Eismännchen dozen. Not to be confused with the dwarfs because they are bigger and stronger than the Eismännchen. In each hand they hold small gold and silver hammers. With these they beat gently but also with much force on the icicles. A soft music will sound her from the water. It permeates every corner of the field of vision of the woman. There, below the frozen river where the ice touched the Ice Dwarfs at work. Small Muscular men with white beards sculpting with hammer and chisel blocks of ice to pieces. With her magical powers which dwarfs any single figure to bring out from within to glow in all colors. On the left side of the forest is seen. The trees look as if someone had sprinkled powdered sugar over them. Out of the woods now appear on a variety of forest animals with the most beautiful dresses. The dwarfs in their forest green jackets trot on the big square. The river which has reached an impressive size runs like a silver-blue ribbon at the glittering edge of the square by. Then, the water fairies dancing with their little skates Eisballette a beautiful view is that as a ballet by Tchaikovsky. In the middle of the square stands a proud fir. On which of the snow sparkles in silver, gold and crystals. On top is a golden star. Adorned with all sorts of balls and other shapes in bright red tones, gold, silver and blue tones. Straight ahead is a magnificent castle. With high walls and turrets. All in white. Before the white oak doors of the castle are dwarfs in red clothes as guards. Small and large carriage ride which is usually drawn by snow white horses passed the gates and let the guests get there. The snow glistens on the rooftops as if the stars are also invited to this festival. Golden light filters through the windows and bathe the whole thing in a certain warmth. This image is a clear black night sky with thousands of twinkling stars and the moon which a donor light for the image is rounded. Madame proceeds with slow steps in the bustle which prevails on the big white space. There is dancing and laughing, partying and talking. Since the fly an elf. Solid green small and delicate creatures. All of which only will the good. With magical powers they are certainly well equipped. Although not as large and powerful as many think. As a golden melody sounds that are accompanied by organ sounds. This gentle music floating the fairies out of the wood. In her light blue robes that are studded with pure silver pull the pure essence many glances. Slowly, everything is still and the light is softly damped. The gates of the castle open and steps out of the gates in a snow-white dress, the Ice Queen. On his head a silver Icecrown. Everything glistens and sparkles. You to look directly was almost an insult. "Here comes the bride!" Is called loudly from the dwarves. "It can get only the groom is missing then the wedding." Suddenly the stars get down from the sky. Are changing slowly in the air to children. The Star Children are the messengers of the groom. As a golden beam illuminates the surrounding light and bright this is the core. And as tide ebbs, the light is fading, and in the middle of a man is fully dressed in golden robes. It seems that this is from the inside out and twinkle lights and liquid gold. "The Star King has arrived, "said Stern call all children. The Feenkönig and the Fairy Queen caused stride. The wedding will be soon completed. The bride and groom are in the hand. Fairy and Elf speak your magic on the wedding couple, which should seal everything. A green and a blue luminescent band sets in a loop around the two hands. Then it happened. Small but pitch-black fog pull themselves together in one place before the bride and groom. There slowly emerges a ball the same color. Fed the ball by all the dark corners which is located nearby. Slowly, that's an appearance. Dressed in dark black dress. Red twinkle his eyes from the shadows out of the hood. A Misty phenomenon remains the creature forever. Like a ghost to move the black veil of the man. "Beautiful, beautiful, ice queen and the star king will marry at last. All are invited to their big party. Only a one tends to forget, the forest spirit. Why? Why? Just because I do not fragrance of flowers? I'll have no harm done. "But then who could have guessed it! Come the bold Madame mouse. "I'm sorry. I should bring you the invitation. But I had forgotten in the rush same. So it's my fault that you're not invited were. But now you should be able to celebrate. "-" Well I will keep at it. But should be a penalty. You mouse, it was your fault so you shall atone for it. A memory you should get like a Swiss cheese. Your stocks you should not starve you shall find every winter. "Screwed up with such gloomy words, the spirit back into its dark corners of the forest. "You mouse, we are committed to you with a big thanks. Your nuts you will not find, but they are to be found. All years are again all the animals of the forest, all creatures look after your welfare. So shall our first command are as king and queen of the forest.

But now we go Wollner. In the north we are drawing ever night where her home, but the ice is born. "So the dream team gets into a white wooden sledge, which flourishes with gray and turns is decorated. The two horses pulling the carriage slowly and then faster and faster towards the north.

in the forest was long celebrated the victory of Madame. As it slowly left met all the beautiful square. The snow came and covered everything with its soft white blanket. Nothing read more guess what happened here in the night all.

And Madame mouse is back to her oven where she sang at the warm wall to sleep. Worried about the food in the winter they had ever because you always give people everything they need, whether intentional or not.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Peace Sign Themed Rooms

fairies and gods

dark it is. Pitch-black night without stars light up the environment. Not even the silvery glow of the moon can be heard. Despite the visibility is good. The entire floor is covered with a white layer of snow. By the yellow light of street lamp, the environment is wrapped on the outskirts of the city in a warm atmosphere. Quiet small and big snowflakes fall from the sky. If you they look closely, it looks as if the stars are in a slow descent to Earth. The whole world seems to sleep. Everything became quiet, the chaos has subsided. The white area with the bare black trees also invites to rest. But as it happens. A dark red drops falling on the white snow surface and color it partly red. Blood red. In addition to the small red spots in the snow is a girl. Or no, rather a young woman. You as beautiful as the landscape is what is to sense only in the beginning, how beautiful she really is. And hear in this beautiful landscape, in the silence you fall a second drop in the snow. These red dots in the snow give an idea of evil.

stands in a snow-white dress as she. Beautiful than the Snow Queen And quietly bleeds itself one of their fingers. As emerges from the darkness a figure. A man no less beautiful than her. In a black suit, he strides to her. Remains standing next to her. As a second drop of blood in addition to the already existing joins. He also bleeds. Slowly, she turns her head in his direction. He looks at her. The eyes are so beautiful, you could stay long in them. A smile takes over the two faces just before she kisses. The two bleeding fingers touch. Press together. From this flows a common drop of blood. In this silent night, giving two loving the blood pledge of allegiance. Nothing bigger it will ever be on earth than this. A promise that can not break. No law in the world is able to break this. Or pick it up. Quietly open the clouds. For inexplicable reasons, the light goes off the lantern. And the full moon casts its silver on the white surface. Everything begins to sparkle and shine. A landscape made of diamonds alone. Seems it. The stars who establish themselves on the ground shine and sparkle in all their glory. Bells sound in the distance.

And now they are here. A white horse-drawn carriage on runners fitted with two white horses in front of slides before the young couple. Stops and the driver can be dressed in bright blue, they enter. The horses trot going. Faster and faster the vehicle travels up the hill. A glittering golden trail left by the slide in the beautiful winter landscape. But then what happens. The carriage moves in the dark sky and away. Disappears behind the clouds and slowly quietly. The landscape has not changed, nor exactly as before because it is located. Nothing can foresee the final wedding took place here in the Pacific. And no one would ever know how it really was back then.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Much Formula Does Wic Give

Red spots

dark it is. Pitch-black night without stars light up the environment. Not even the silvery glow of the moon can be heard. Despite the visibility is good. The entire floor is covered with a white layer of snow. By the yellow light of street lamp, the environment is wrapped on the outskirts of the city in a warm atmosphere. Quiet small and big snowflakes fall from the sky. If you look closely, it looks as if the stars are in a slow descent to Earth. The whole world seems to sleep. Everything became quiet, the chaos has subsided. The white area with the bare black trees also invites to rest. But as it happens. A dark red drops falling on the white snow surface and color it partly red. Blood red. In addition to the small red spots in the snow is a girl. Or no, rather a young woman. You as beautiful as the landscape is what is to sense only in the beginning, how beautiful she really is. And hear in this beautiful landscape, in the silence you fall a second drop in the snow. These red dots in the snow give an idea of evil.

The points are located between the legs of the young woman. Drip. No red This time it was a silent tear that had found their way to the ground. Wearing only a skirt she stands there crying in the snow. While the spots become more and more between their legs. Her thoughts swirl around wildly. What should she do? Recently, she had grabbed a stranger and her husband pushed roughly into the snow. After a brief scuffle that had lost it, the stranger pressed with powerful shocks into them. She let it happen. She did not know what to do. Softly she cursed the male sex as well as the man in particular. She had received the stranger never see. Only the pain she was in permanent memory. Make a display on Unknown? What this would have a meaning? Only the snow was a witness. Still and yet with a certain presence heard this is happening. Without large to be felt. Cold burned the snow in her face. But this was not the only thing that was burning then. Now she was still in the same place as before. Quiet now see the way the tears from her eyes. What should she do?

A car is approaching fast on the small and narrow street on which they still was. Without thinking she jumped in front of the car. Nothing and no one knew why the boy had to give way to live. Only the snow had witnessed the event. He quietly trickles on to the street. But also begins to cry. The silence remains slow and veiled the beautiful landscape that happen in her beautiful white.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sources Of Error In Theodolite

The winters

Winter is now definitely broken with us. Now you can hear the many curses on that is often praised winter spell. All will now have the summer. But why? The summer is also not exactly brilliant. All walk around with T-shirts, sunglasses and cap. The holidays are spent at various beaches around the world. There, the whole body from the sun first red and then later in nice roasted brown. For the corresponding cooling then provides the sea. Not long are you, because you can hear the first call complaining already, and yes make the sea urchin is now felt in the feet. For these people, then the summer is probably not so thought the hit as always.

But we now come to the beautiful winter. The whole landscape is bathed in a idyllic white. It glistens and sparkles in all colors. The rest seems self-feeder to hold. The Christmas decoration lights in all colors and shapes. Artificial snow decorate the stores. The S-Bahn trains are still crowded than usual already. In warm coats and long scarves. Hardly a seat found so coughing and geprustet. Noses are cleaned, and though most do not even know her by sight, but they exchange daily bacteria from each other. And so it is only a few days until, together with the common cold or the flu and quickly makes the rounds. The pace of companies thrive and write such a high black numbers like few times a year. Hardly, one leaves the wind-protected station, as a skin-even the snow from his shoes. But this is certainly not enough. The old lady that why always make an effort in this cold out of the house had to fall everywhere in the sprawling black ice out. Is located and is now waiting for a new hip joint. It is also in the winter is not the only one who needs a new one. Here comes along with the medical which the old woman transported to the hospital by even a cluster of snow sports. Cheerful, laughing and joking tearing. But we all know that it will not last long, since even the first throw something odd and leg or arm, maybe even both breaking. This will benefit not only doctors and sports goods manufacturers, but also walking stick and crutch representative. After Jenster insurance could reap its full rewards, unfortunately have to give some money back for diseases, breakdowns and accidents. A good keyword. The wet and slippery terrain makes life difficult for some drivers, the speed limit should be mostly reduced by 20 km / h in such conditions. But it is not hold. I hear from my job on the radio of some accidents because of bad tires or driving too fast.

After I had reached the slimy cough and still I am at HB in Zurich and wait for 10 minutes on the train. Outside, it snows, a small miracle has happened here in Switzerland. By early December, but could expect no one really. The SBB as the entire ZVV is totally overwhelmed with the white water. Therefore, my train and properly delayed. I reach for it in Winterthur Prima bus, because this has seen the first snow and had to this surprise first wait 30 minutes until he could take his turn again. So I get to an even longer Then wait away from home. I now authorize a hot cup of tea and some medicines to fall to avoid even the fever noise which I would also like to draw in its spell.

If one considers the winter so he's certainly a great season. Unfortunately I work in the library, here I benefit unfortunately little of all this. But once I switched to pace or the health industry, I deserve even a 14 month salary.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yoga Postures For Reading

a comedian less

Everybody knows him, Lieutenant Frank Drebin, special unit.

Embodies was the elder Komissar by comedian Leslie Nielsen. Earlier He played serious roles. Even in mediocre horror movies like PromNight he was found. But in the early 80s he was first involved in a sugar film. An incredible journey in a crazy airplane, it was a start as a comedian. There as a little disheveled doctor he was happy the audience for the first time with punch lines. As was the series "The Naked Gun" just a small victory then, put the sugar and Regiesseure Abrahms Drebin in a movie. "Naked Gun" was such a success that he had two sequels. In this hunt is a joke the other, so-called Nielsen slapstick were specialty. Three jokes a minute is safe here in this case is not exaggerated. Nielsen was born in 1926 near Toronto. In Toronto itself, he began studying art. Which he then ended in New York. This was the beginning of a new era of comedians. Over 50 years he practiced the art of the actor and comedian. His "Naked Gun trilogy became a cult hit. Each child will laugh tears that sooner or later in these films. Now, however, died with great sadness that the fan base, the icon at the age of 84 from pneumonia. He is gentle in the immediate family to sleep. But

As always in such tragedies, the film business knows this to turn into a source of money .. So soon as a memory of Leslie Nielsen DVD boxes, and various new editions of DVDs can be ordered and purchased. In this event, the Blue-Ray fans will really get their money.