Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Farm Lesson Comic Online

Speed Racer

From the Wachowski brothers

visionaries of technology. If this keyword is only a few names in a moment on the lips. Cameron and the Wachowski brothers, this time I want to draw attention to the brothers. That this is actually from the letter writer slipped into the director's chair, is certainly not known. But her visionary masterpiece matrix which ran in the last millennium (1999) in the cinemas today hardly anyone would believe. This strip keeps any problems with the current studded CGI effects films. The story is wonderful and also philosophically. Especially when one still directs attention to the parts 2-3, the opinions are far apart quickly about the story. But as regards the effects, I would say they can keep up with the first certainly, although not surpass the milestone since this technique has already laid hold of one.

Now I come to her last government work: Speed Racer. Since I get the same time a bit. In the early days of color film, "Snow White" or "The Wizard of Oz" brightly colored works, all the paint sprayed out only pretending. It is now much more colorful times really not as in these films. These films or this color is then our good old friend Tim Burton in his works, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Alice in Wonderland" also reacted fantastic. That such films are not only colorful fairy tales or fantasy works, but also with science fiction or action movies shown the Wachowsksi's with Speed Racer.

Speed Racer is a young race car driver, who had lost his brother in a car race. He travels with a team that belongs to his father. But since he is the best driver you want to buy up other teams. But soon he realizes how corrupt they are. He prefers to stay with his father on a budget but it is not corrupt. The film chases through the steep slopes and tight turns. With a lot of animation technique, this film was untermausert in so loud and colorful backgrounds.

The story itself is not really new or particularly original. Also, a review would be good too fast. For the film would not be made of the Matrix makers personally, would not scream cock after this film. Quickly, he would have disappeared into the deepest Filmabgründe. It gets the least from and to stop by.

bad he's not sure. An entertaining popcorn movie would Rate the movie best. Because he is. Clearly one longs maybe back in the 30s where paint had meant something and you had so exaggerated so beautiful.

My rating 4.5/10

Crystal Rock Deodorant

Parkour (film)

Parkour is a sport which originated in the ghettos of Paris. How it while it's the fastest way to take between two points. Since these are often separated by obstacles such as stairs, houses or cars and you will not handle this will skip this one. Thus, from the Ghetto people a sophisticated ankle and Abrolltechnik developed. Which is not only conscious purpose, but also looks good. It was clear that this sport will make their way into the film business. Such were the beginning of this millennium films like Yamakasi - Samurai of the modern suburbs or 13 come on the market. Sure, there were French films like the sport. The Americans had seen this and then quickly fitted for some follow-hunts in every other action films. Even Asians could start with this technique and what they used in martial arts movies.

came out in 2009 Parkour But the film, but neither Hollywood nor in Paris did this strip. No German it had to do. With great anticipation I went up to the movie. I expected savage persecution drove over rooftops, through teaching factory floor or just from the balcony to balcony. What I got to see was more of a bad German joke.

The film begins rather quietly. Richi ( Christoph Letkowski ) which is an independent scaffolders to be two employees and currently has some standing in the rain. For a company will not or can not pay him at the moment for his work. But he has paid his workers, then he must somehow find the money to themselves over to make ends meet. His girlfriend, Hanna (Nora of forest sites ) just tried to make her Abi. But since it is a dud in math, and Richard as her can not help, he hired a friend who was to get to Hanna for Abi. Since the first symptoms appear strong jealousy. Then one of his staff always told by his ex-wives who constantly cheated him, and he includes a question of which strengthens all the women on this Richis feelings of jealousy yet. In the main it's been so beaten up that he's the guys who just come close to Hanna. This jealousy for his all-beloved Hanna increases immeasurably. He tried to control himself in which he carries like a wild man with his friends on the old factory site jumps of the parkour sport.

This and two short but really short persecution of a few bulls and a large Parkour Buskontrolleur no elements are present.

The movie has a good structure and a solid structure. A love which is stronger than his spirit, well-illustrated and well caught in pictures. But the title is completely out of place. Because with Parkour in and of itself, the film has little to do. Since I would rather Yamakasi suburbs or 13 & 14 (Ghettogangz 1 & 2 recommended).

My rating 4.5/10

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sore On Palate Of Mouth

The game of life

spring in New York

I walk slowly, but are really slow through Central Park, my goal the chess tables. Under the arm I wear a wooden box of my own characters in it. The sun is low over the tops of the buildings in the little green spot of the concrete city. The few birds that are for any reason whatsoever, in this small town have fled the reserve plant and now have no escape from the city to come out begin to chirp and sing as if they were in paradise.

The bums who had laid on the benches to rest wake up slowly and only take effect once the gin bottle, from which they can approve a swig. As soon as I've reached my master table hopping even any young women rose by Trainingsleginns slot in with the iPod in the ears, they decouple completely from their environment. I put the pillow which I of course brought on the cold concrete, which will imitate a stone. My old walking stick I lean on the table before I get to slow cumbersome movements begin to set. When I now comfortably on the pillow throne open my shaky hands, the wooden box. My old and carrying on the time subscribed his hands now figure after figure on the chessboard. Each has its own place. Nice shiny are the 2 armies facing each other and are just waiting to be led into battle. This is now waiting for me. Wait until someone comes along with me a game to spi .... .

"Excuse me." I highly shrink, "Yes" was my short answer. -I must have fallen asleep because the sun was strong on the pitch. Before me stands a young handsome boy. "Could I play a game with you? It looks as if she still could use an opponent. "-" Well yes, but that would be me right, but you are the the rules of the royal if not divine game known? For you must know this is not a normal chess game. "The young man, I admire him to mid-20s and he should be any MIT student, sits across from me and gives me a ld ; smile to understand that he is the art of this game very well know. I will defend my page with the color black, he knows its the color.

"A chess game is like a life." I try to explain to the man with the black short hair. He moves first. The farmer in the middle moves up 2 spaces forward. I will also start my small farmers in the middle pulled forward. "It's like pushing at birth, first everything is safe and in good order, but here comes the time to which I did. So I come in small steps from the security. And the battle life begins. " With specific finger movements, the peasants at strategically good points moved to operate from there. "Yes, like the early years of a life, friends are found and used so that you always have a good coverage in re ; has bridges. You know what I mean? "I asked the students. He nodded silently. I do not think he understands the meaning in my words really. Now I will shape my destiny in Springer bring to the train. He tried a flank attack. "So now the fate strikes unexpectedly from." With these words I take him with the horse the first uncovered Bauer from the board. "See, now we are in full bloom of being young, the old friends are taken you, and you can count on anything anymore. Since approaching the white lady and robs me my first Springer. "But the woman at your side you will always leave you, as long as it is there." At these words, something in it. I remember my beginnings, I really could always rely on my friend, no matter what I did, they kept me off your back. Up and there we are right in the game, which threatens in a brutal spectacle of walking. In the only govern lies and intrigue. "But your only exit is to your lady, as long as the Black Beauty obscures the meaning." So then the white lady walked from the field. Only because of the carelessness of a few seconds. "But what about whom the industry will catch up in the travel and even your most loyal woman of your side?" That was my strongest side struck down by a tower. - A good question. So I'll still have to fight with little skits to the target. "My runners have always been the trump cards of my life, people of whom you never thought much, but in times of need they hit from the side to her." So I let my fast runner to cross the board in the diagonal. Such as professional killers, they shall give to the field of the opponent. "These are not bad traits." Praises me the student, "But towards the fate of these are worthless." So he puts his jumper in position. Chess. "I must leave him now, he has piloted the fate well. I even try to reach safety. So I moved myself, ducking his head slightly. "Aha, just want to escape the fate that will all but forget but then always that they are still in the clutches of the industry. Checkmate. "His Tower blocks my escape every now. "The way I see it is your life now but also to an end." - "Because they are probably right, but that's good, I am sitting for so many years here and the people trying the game of life explain, but no one wanted to understand it before. You are the first who has understood this. Now you have to sit here and explain it to someone like the game of life works. "I get up and walk into the sunset now made.