Thursday, October 30, 2008

Back Pain Paddle Boarding

First stage

Ihr Lieben,

Wir sind nun in Rom. Endlich angekommen. Das "Arco House", vier witzige, alternative and simple people have taken us and we have been here a few days. In the small two-bedroom apartment with large roof terrace is always busy. The young Italian left helping each other. Life is much more complicated for them than for us in Germany. There is no support from the state. Either for studying or for life without work. The rents are extremely high. Who wants to break away from his parents and does not come from a wealthy family living two to a room. The police is present everywhere and the money for the finer things in life to be shortened. Culture is just wondering if everything in an orderly and runs on grounds of representation.

For showing us as guests Rom his beautiful face. A city in the one the story from all sides starts. A great city, good vegetables, good wine, lively streets around the Clock. Now we rest.

The first day of our trip was pretty exhausting. Hitchhiking has worked very well, but we often came to dinner somewhere and took a long time to find a place to sleep. Affordable and secure. It soon turned out that our luggage would compel us to his knees. It is not to our private stuff but the fire equipment that is too heavy to carry.
In Livorno, visiting my dad, then we sat around an idea, we had been to Germany but not yet been determined necessary. This Einkaufswaegelchen that often older people are now curves around the base for our luggage. Now we can pull everything, what a relief. Dio mio!

Oh, and something very gratifying is reached. The next Tuesday we have our visa for India. But only for three months from that date. This means that we arrive and immediately after Nepal or somewhere else have to leave. This is not a problem.
Iran and Pakistan are still pending. The situation in Pakistan is so empyreumatic that we are superior to it have to fly over. The Iranian visa we might get in Athens.

Oleg and I am fine. We finally come to the travel flow. Sometimes we worry about the weather and the consequences fuer die Feuershow. In Rom regnet und stuermt es seit Tagen, aber am Wochenende sollen es 25 Grad werden. Mal sehen...

Ihr Lieben, wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden und freuen uns ueber jedes Wort von euch. Ich denke oefter mal an Deutschland und euch und freu mich.

Bis gleich Hannah & Oleg

Dear friends,

We are in Rom now. Finally it is time for some relaxation. We are at "Arco House", where four sympahic and alternativ joung italiens host us. We find them with couchsurfing. We are here now since a few days, and there are allways a lot of people in the small two-room-flat with big Terasse. The joung left italiens are helping eachother. life is much more complicated for them than for us in germany. There is no supporting from the goverment, not for studies, not for being out of work and also not for kreative Projekts. Culture is only asked if it is representiv or brings money. The police is everywhere. The rent for a flat is extremly high. If they want to be selfresponsable and leave the parents house they have to share the roms with other people. For them sharing is normal, and it is very nice to be in there flat and feel like home.

For us as tourist Rome shows its beautiful face. Good whine, good food, full and lively streets 24 hours a day. History jumps on you everywhere. Now we can relax.

The first days of our travel take a lot of energie. hitch-hiking was good but we arrive often late in the cities and had to find a good sleepingplace outside or not so expensiv in a hotel. It shows up quikly that our bagpacks will kill us.  The fireequipment is heavy. In Livorno where we visited my father, we bought some shopping bag with wheels and put our bags on it. Now we can tie our bags, what a easy way. Dio mio!!!

Next tuesday we will have our visa for india. Only three month but that is not the problem, we just go out and come in again. Iran we will do in athen and pakistan is at the moment so unpeacful that we think about flying over it.

Oleg and me are good together, we come into the travelflow. Sometmes we worry about money, because it is raining cats and dogs since a few days and it is not possible to make fireshow, but on the weekend there shall be 25 ° and sun. We will see ...

Dear friends, we keep contact. Sometimes I hink about you I smile from inside. I am looking forward to every word of you all

See you

Hannah & Oleg


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