Friday, December 18, 2009

Energy Drinks And Pills

Roll like a circus clown, put away your circus frown ...

XD I got some new pictures of Smilla. (:

... and the pick-up date of January 22,: D

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Have Cd Rates Been Rising Or Falling

cocos @ 2009-12-17T18: 59:00


came after the bird flu the swine flu. And now there is the


What's next? The dog flu?

Monday, November 9, 2009

What Stone Should I Use

German reunification

Dear Mrs. Knobloch,

it last.

Yes, 61 years ago Nazis killed many Jews. Yes, more than half a century, the German people have mostly looked away, when millions of Jews were killed.
This is the past.

We have today in 2009, today we celebrate the year of our German reunification, his 20th Jubilee has. And why do we celebrate? Because we have a right to challenge the unity of our country's past, have lived in did not even many of us. We have to accept a right to what was then, and not to forget, but to celebrate other nice things and not wallowing us in our original sin and wallow and whine about how bad we are.

It's inexcusable what was done before. Just as it is unforgivable what is happening between Israel and the Palestinians. People are killed, they are done to violence, they are driven from their homes, this is unforgivable.

And yet we celebrate today the day of our German German unity and pride.

Thank you, your

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Required License For Lmr Radio

New series

RTL has set properly to the wheel:

Merlin (Na, Dorothy;)) uuuund
Night Rider 2009


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Home Remedies Skin Plumping

cocos @ 2009-08-11T11: 07:00

Ääh .... Susie, Kiki's is good for you? * Is worried *

Monday, July 20, 2009

Rental Dress Las Vegas

Harry Potter Review with spoilers

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, a great trailer, great music and wonderful power structure. Unfortunately, since the film could not compete in most ways. The calm before the storm, so someone has called. May be true also, because in a year we get the final Furioso see and this is apparently preparing for it.
Certainly, in images of the film is not bad, he also has some humorous elements, which have often let me laugh. The characters are older, more serious and yet does not come out the drama of the book.
Neither Harry's grief for Sirius, Draco's inner disruption are still adequately represented. Not to mention Snape and the last minutes of the film, which had been such as to be sad, but who can not keep up with the book.

The book is Draco's despair in the laundry room otherwise. In the book, Harry's despair over Dumbledore's death, Snape is described differently. Just as Snape and Dumbledore's pleading desperation regarding his death is stated otherwise.
It just had this part so much better, can much more intense. But no ... they have not even filmed the funeral of Dumbledore. Of course it was nice that they keep all their wands in the sky and distribute to the dark clouds, but that is not enough. Never does this
I hope so much that it is a bonus on the DVD with it, that they're just cut out, but I expect there, no big chances, unfortunately.

So ... all in all, a movie I'll look again, though he did not meet my expectations. However, it is not and will never be my favorite film of the series. Too bad.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Camera Bag To Fit S1 Pro

cocos @ 2009-07-01T18: 39:00 Price

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Non Religious Wedding Program Wording

cocos @ 2009-05-20T17: 32:00

Love in a View Finder is landed in Germany on the index? * Wöhöhöhöhöhöhööööö * I laugh my head off, I throw me away!

Na Look how quick on the prices on Ebay in the air. If anyone tries, I offer my copy for 1,000,000 € Euronen, no, what am I saying? € 100,000,000!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

How To Get Super Glue Off Stainless Steel

cocos @ 2009-05-18T00: 20:00

Young Stallions must be tamed. "

WUAHAHAHAAA .... I call Fanservice!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Urinating With Girdle

Two Films

And both of course with spoilers!

A wonderful film! PHOTOS TOLL staged, great music and great actor. Of course a story about the (non) deal with the German past, but primarily a love story that ends tragically, in many ways.
David Kross is a great young actor, who recently shone in Krabat, but his performance is there not reach between 15-year-old boy he is now playing, he plays a convincing above all.
Kate Winslet as Hanna a super cast! Both are supported by the many close-ups well!
What I liked about this film has nothing were a few scenes at the end. Hanna learns in a German prison on the basis of a German book, read and write. But the written text of it is not German, but English. I'm still here to speculate whether there is a great movie mistakes, or whether it was in the book as well (I have never read the book). Should it be the former, is for me not to be despised minus, which reduces this great movie. I think you can expect from any director, especially in such points the film does not impose his own stamp!

Uh. Yes.
girl writes numbers on a piece of paper, this list is kept for the next 50 years in a time capsule. Then this comes after the said period of time capsule back to the surface and the son of the protagonist by these figures. At the same secrets full men dive in black coats, with dark eyes and bleach-blonde hair that mysteriously disappear more quickly when the adults are there.
soon comes out that is in the numbers to data, coordination, and the number of dead in the respective disasters and miracles ... oh ... oh wonder that the imminent end of the world (by a massive solar flare). So far so good. How will man be in this case, Nicolas Cage, that?
But then there are the men in black coats that bring his son to a cabin, at least in the vicinity of such and where It then rausstelt, that the world will perish, but that one female and one male to be saved (children) that will ensure the survival of humanity.
Who are the men? Engel, one might suspect.
No, they are aliens, what you also see wonderful finally, when the shells dissolve in tatters and they resonate with toddlers and wings in their spaceship and zoom off.
remains is a desperation tried desperately to Nicolas Cage, who cries for two minutes and then on the way to make his parents that he has not seen forever. Of course he is his father's arms, they embrace all, when they die.
So far so bad. Aliens with angel wings, yes. End of the movie is not that neiiiin, that would have been bearable. End of the film is the scene of his son and another little girl running along a tree (a rogue who draws comparisons to the Garden of Eden at this point!) And the other children who were saved. Exposed to a new world.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cookie Monster Maternity Clothes

THE kiss!

Oh my God ... I was right, damn it, I was right!

And what a beautiful scene it! Sun eienn draft I have rarely seen, in general, such a beautiful episode that much of a character says.

Yes, it's about the kiss between Cuddy and House, one of the most beautiful film and television scenes EVER, in my opinion!

* * seuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufzt

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sony Premium Tapes Canon

diereise @ 2009-03-28T13: 36:00

Beloved, I am

back to full health. It really took a long time but I'm finally starting the beasts.

That makes me pretty happy. Tomorrow we will be in the nature and I think because I find my old form again. Oleg, it is also good.

We are now a group of five fire players and wish to travel together and show make. Really nice people. And we've all met before in ancient times, we all have open end of the trip, and have fun together. We go together to the Rainbow in India.

we will be adding a little promotional video that we then to YouTube.

So there is now a month no News submitted by us because we are at 3,000 meters in the Himalayas in the forest. Just so no one worried.

How then goes on to be seen.

I'll keep all fixed

Hannah and Oleg

Friday, March 13, 2009

Case Study Healthlite Yogurt Company

cocos @ 2009-03-13T19: 29:00

Galileo once again shines through brilliantly researched reports.

occasion of the rampage in Winnersh must also Pro7 in the hot discussion involved, whether violent video games contribute FPS and to produce running amok on the assembly line. But they use have been a teacher, the teacher is a running amok and now wants to go to the bottom of the matter. Where can the best?

Right, at the Games Convention in Leipzig. Da, where a myriad of potential gunmen romp, where it is full, where video games about horses available directly next to those of murder, manslaughter, and blood splatter.
But that's all his justification for the U.S. army trained and even with violent video games. But that again is indeed in order, because yes, even the German Bundeswehr has a booth at the Games Convention. So probably also serves killer games, in terms of training of young soldiers.

Aha. The fact that the BW at such events because of the age group operates junior advertising and in no way serves any killer games interested, not so. No, that would also be researched too good for this Reportage.

Next scene: De teacher there it on his odyssey in a clinic for video game addicts ... a group therapy session and the comments of the speaker: "Sitting here, the future running amok"?

Since I have no words.

Hello, dear Pro7 channels, Galileo Galilei would turn in his grave if he would see what you mortise on poorly researched, reißerischem dung, which serves as a single on to win viewers, whose IQ is like that of a toast.

thumbs up, both of you!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Broiling Sausage For Biscuits

cocos @ 2009-03-02T19: 25:00

BWAHAHAAA Galileo .... just bring a report on J-Rocker/Visus ...

* throws away *
And all the visual acuity
paint manga (well, thank God, they paint not anime) and give themselves Japanese names.

and - oh wonder - Tokyo Hotel has nothing to do with the scene. Really?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Does Water Help Reflux In Babies

Doll House

No ... it is hereby meant not a brothel or a table dance shed in Cologne, but the new series from Joss Whedon to find out exactly here.
As the series has only been running two weeks, of course you can not say much about it, but the first two episodes sounded very promising! Above all, for all those who have Faith then as much as I liked ^ _ ^ v. Does anyone

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Andrew And Brian A Place In Greece


A lot has happened and how often to travel all turned out quite differently than planned. after our stay in Goa we ended up using a 36 hour train journey to Delhi. There we wanted to stay only two days but it has caught us. We both have become ill, said Oleg had luck yet. I've captured amoebae, and I tell you this is not easy. I was ten days sick. The first day in delirium and then while it is clear but weaker day by day. And after fasting. 'm Pretty thin now. But do not worry me, it goes well again. I went to the doctor and have done all that was necessary to kill the last of amoeba in me. This is very important because the partners do not need to propagate around. So please do not worry I'm back ok

Ironically Delhi. This city is really incredible and very different from anything I've ever seen. I wish I could even show you a couple of pictures, but the upload does not work in recent times. The essential one is that all play activities that people can do so on the road. Therefore, the city extremely full of life and also full of the things we hide in Europe or avoid. Delhi is dirty and smelly and loud and confused and colorful. All transport of the story move at the same time on the road. There, it is eaten, slept died, they wash, worked ... I'm glad to be gone.

However, we still travel back ground for a short time to buy some things.

went to Delhi then to Nepal. We were for three days at the birth of Buddha in Lumbini. Here all the Buddhist countries of the world have built temples and monasteries to represent himself. All
interressant but not as stunning as ancient temples.

Now we are in Kathmandu. I like very much. The journey to the Highlands was breathtakingly beautiful and Kathmandu itself is really a positive surprise. Maybe it depends on my top list of cities pretty far up. Pure against India in any case rest. The people are very friendly and not pushy. All reasonably clean and beautiful. The ancient temples like a fairy tale verzubern repeatedly walking through the city. Tomorrow is here Shivaratri and we are very excited.

What happens next we do not know exactly. I would definitely like to have in the Himalayas. Let's see how I feel in a couple of days, for without man is not fit to be in these mountains.
we wait for visas in any case a month and then decide whether we are at the Tibetan border to China or try go back to India. I just do not feel like India, but perhaps change that yet.

your loved ones, the city is calling me. At some point there are again pictures and maybe even Skype. Here comes the bad Verbiondung also the state limit the current flow.

I'll keep all of fixed-and think you. If yes
incredible messages I get as part of you.

love and open heart


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Neck Warmers Microwave

cocos @ 2009-01-25T22: 11:00

"The Pirates of the Caribbean" on DVD? Or does anyone know where to get bitter it? So I mean the four-part miniseries starring Nicolas Rogers (Tarabas schnuuurrrr * *)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Testicle Is Still Enlarge After Hernia Surgery

We Have happened in India and important information for all


my major goals in a siebentaegigen fasting and purification retreat. Today is the fourth day with five liters of water per day, relief remedies and enemas and deposited in my body toxins begin in large and get impressive amounts out of me. I am very well on it, but I will have no patience today to report in detail.
The reason I write today is to communicate to all the have concerns that I feel good. Another very important reason is the new knowledge that I have received over the last few days, which I would like to share with you. Please take it seriously and talk about it with others.

We are here a very interresting group. The captain of the Rainbowarriors, this is the ship of the Greenpeace fights for twenty years against exploitation, fraud, and slavery and really has insight into the forces that are behind everything. Anyone who has seen Zeitgeist, what I'm talking white. Jean-Pierre, who accompanied us through the cleansing is a real medicine man. He knows a lot about nutrition and its effects. There are also two yoga teachers here in Ibiza and a woman who has also long been concerned with the issue of nutrition.

me it is really very important that you care about the following information makes you smart and let you examine, if necessary. It is quite possible that this may improve your quality of life very much.

toxins in our food, which are made for sick close to us:

sugar substitute. This poison is in all Diaetmitteln that are sweet but no sugar mentioned. It is a nerve poison that acts directly on the brain and may your whole Gemuetszustand Change customer. It makes depressed, sleepless, lebensmuede, lacking in energy. Take this matter to you not. Buy brown sugar in the food store and ask for organic sugar substitute.
fluorine is a poison and a very strong one. Ensures that it is not in your toothpaste or salt.
Be aware that chlorine is one of the strongest poisons in the world. It also kills all life in your body. If you swim in chlorinated baths you take large amounts of it over the skin and your immune system is rapidly declining. You will be vulnerable to all sorts of diseases, such as after a Of antibiotics.
If you live in areas in chlorinated tap water comes, it does not drink and everyone else not so. Worried you buy a filter or other water.

hydro genetic oil:
All cheap oils that you buy a € for the supermarket are toxic and are even more toxic when it heats it up. That sounds strange for you to perhaps, but it will make you sick. The pharmaceutical industry has no interest in healthy people. Used for frying
no fat, extra virgin coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil. Avoid foods that cheap oil.
Mononatriumgluthamat: Most know modest about it. Also this poison affects your brain directly.

buy Watch daruf no grain or rice from a company called Monsanto . In these products, the Pestizied incorporated genetically and can not wash themselves. If you avoid products from America you have already a good chance to avoid this. Learn about the food policy of this company and you will burst the eyes. A good movie is on: The future of food.

Now I like the bubble bursts. I am trying to get even to the end, or I write the rest in a second part.

you informed of a fungus called Candida . He lives in almost every body and calls for sugar and wheat flour and yeast. He is the cause of many cancers and also for depression. Makes a test at your doctor and reduzirt its food source.

food is an essential factor of our lives trying to manage them and to do what is good for you.
power a blood test and find out what foods you are allergic to. By simply omit these products, can your state Change customer significantly.

informed And last you about a way that MMS heist at www.mms.derdurchbruch.jimhumble . if the link does not work, then google it. If you are convinced, then to buy bigger quantities and your friends need of attention, for it is nearly no longer exist, since the pharmaceutical industry to stop it. Perhaps someone can also get it for me, because here in India, I can not get it.

also tells you a law which will come through in December 2009, which brings all the control over natural remedy in the hands of the pharmaceutical industry. It says Codex.
Find a way to protest about. Makes you smart.

Take your life and that of others in your hands. Do not panic, just mindful act is required.

it for today, soon I will also report more personal, but it was important for me to send the momentum already made.

I'll press down and send meine Liebe.


Dear friends,

I just finished a seven days fastening and cleaning retreat and I feel physically very good.
I meet a lot of very special people with very good Information. There is Jean-Pierre a real medicine man who knowledge about food and its surrounding are like an ocean. Than Peter the captain of the rainbowwarriorship from greenpeace, a man who fights against surpression, slavery, the moneysystem  and really knows who is behind the curtance and how the world is ruled.
Two yoga teachers from ibiza.

Now I want to share the information with you:

Poison which is in our food to make us ill:

aspartame: This poison is in everything which is sweet but without sugar. It is a nervpoison which goes direktly in your system and can change your mood. I t makes depressiv, sleepless, without energy, no lust for live. Don`t eat or drink it. Take only brown sugar and ask in the biologic store for natural sweeteners.

Fluorin: It is a poison. Don`t have it in your toothpaste and not in your salt.

Chlor: Chlor is one of the strongest poisons in the world. It kills everything which is a live also in your body and makes your system very week and you can get ill more quick. It is like a long kur of antibiotiks. If you go swimming in a chlorpool your skin, which is like a mouth takes a big amount of it. Be aware of it. Don`t drink water frome the tub when you kow there is chlor inside even do not cook with it. Buy a filter or buy water. You have only one body and one live and you will get your bill later on. Take care of you.

hydrogenetic oil: Every cheap supermarket oil is hydrogenetic. Maybe it sounds strange to you but it is designed to make you ill. The pharmaindustrie don`t wants healthy and happy people. If you fried with that oil it gets even more toxic. Take only coldpressed olive oil or coldpressed coconut oil for frieing and don`t buy food where hydrogenetic oil is inside.

Mononatriumglutamat: Be carefull it creates cancer

A lot of these Poisons also creat addiction, this is why you like it so much.

Don`t buy anything from a firma called Monsanto. They have the pestizied inplanted in the food, so washing doesn`t help. They are the really bad guys in food. Inform yourself about there politics, it will open your eyes. A good movie for tht is : The future of food.

Inform yourself about Candida . It is a fungus which lives in everybody. If you have a overgroth it has abig affekt on your physicall and psychological body. It is the reason for a lot of cancers and it also makes depressiv and without energy.
It lives from jeest, weed and sugar and ask you for that. After a while it controls your food habbids and it will make you fat.
Make a blood test and find out about it. Make a herbal cur after, don`t take chemicals.
With a bloodtest you can also find out against which food you are allergic. by just letting this you can feel much better.

Look for information about a medicine which is called MMS.   If it convince you take a big amount and give it also to your friends. Maybe someone can order a bit for me. It will soon not be on the market anymore because the pharma industries will stopp it.
Mineral Miracle sublement.

Inform you also about a law called codex which will give all the power over natrual medicine in the hands of the pharmaceutical industries. You will not be able anymore to get your herbal medicinesubstances. Try to find a way to protest against this.

Take your life in your hands and so the life of others. Don `t panic

but be aware and act.

I kiss you all


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dickens The London Edition Caxton

cocos @ 2009-01-18T16: 54:00

In the adaptation of the Japanese anime TV series "Cowboy Bebop" Keanu Reeves plays the character Spike Spiegel. The story is about a group of bounty hunters traveling in 2071 with her ship through space.
The series was created in 1998 for the first time in the Japanese television broadcast. The animated version of "Cowboy Bepop: The Movie" was nominated in 2003 for the Online Film Critics Society Awards. After "The Day the Earth Stood Still" this is another mission for Science Fiction Reeves on behalf of 20th Century Fox, the trade publication Variety reported on 16 January 2009.

Aha ... oO And who is playing his nemesis?