Monday, December 8, 2008

Early Pregnancy Needing To Poo


Now I'll just close the gap.
From Rome we continue to Bari. Paco took us there in his flat. Staying in Bari was very interesting. We explored the city by bike. A pretty white, labyrinthine old town, with an interesting old Romanesque church in which supposedly are the bones of St. Nicholas, is followed by a ring of new construction.
The Wg was in this new ring. There we had our own room, a welcome change.
Paco supplied us daily with delicacies from the bakery of his parents. If you have been in Italy, knows about the diversity and quality of a traditional Italian bakery.
He also introduced us to his friends, who all have something to do with music, theater, acrobatics and performance.
All in all a very nice last stay in Italy.

we took the ferry from Bari to Patras in Greece.
reached after a long and not particularly comfortable ride, we decided to hitchhike to Patras and from there to Athens.
And that went on. The first driver took us all 8 kilometers, the second a whole piece. With him we could not speak English, but communication with hands and feet worked very well and was fun. The man was a Greek construction workers with a broad grin. Unfortunately, he put us in a very unfavorable place out off the highway. So we took an older woman with two dogs and lots of stuff with it until the next rest stop where we then were able to convince a Russian LKWFahrer to take us to Priaeus the port near Athens. Meanwhile it was dark and we were glad not to get stuck on the rest area. should Oleg had the opportunity to speak Russian, while the driver made no secret of it to show clearly that we live this way and not rather work on a house and children.

From Piraeus to the city to our hosts. Giannis is a host as it only are rare, it takes a lot of people at the same time in his two-bedroom apartment. He escapes THUS TO stress in his head by the deflection which that entails. He calls it "healthy noise".

Athens as a city not particularly like me. It is not nice, very loud, and the ruins of the ancient Greeks did not speak to me. Nevertheless, we have, apart from common cold and fever, a good time and we always meet interesting people. For example, a group of artists that Cyclowns traveled by bicycle throughout the world. For example, from Turkey to Indoneisen in three years. What
for dimensions! Now we live in
Akis, a Engineur, which soon goes for two years after China in order to to work. From his apartment one has a view over the city, to the barren mountains that surround Athens.

In Athens, a police officer shot a young man. Now, all that creates a disturbance to the barricades. In Athens there are Strassenkaempfe. One day on the way to a market we saw a burned building in the middle of a busy shopping street. Even the cars in front of the building burned out completely. For me, looked like the explosion. There were deaths Sorry, we did not have a camera there. The available information is sparse in Athens, probably, the government has their hand on it.

The journey unfolds all its transformative power in me. I have the opportunity to watch myself, where I impatient with regard to the progress of the relationship, small wiedrigen in everyday life. This life calls for calmness and clarity. Where are you from both herausfaellt it difficult, often emotional and sometimes physical kind
I'm glad to be on this path and sometimes do not believe that we are at the very beginning and still waiting for big adventure for us.

Hannah and Oleg

Dear friends,

Now I will give you the missing part until now. From Rome we go to Bari. There Paco gives us accommodation in his living community. Bari was interessting. We go with the bicycles around in town. Bari has a beautiful white and labyrinthic old Citie surrounded by an area of modern houses. In an old beautiful and asymetric roman church in the center there are the bones of St. Nikolaus.
Our house was in the new area.
Paco feeds us every day with delicious stuff from his parents bakery. Anyone who has been in Itly once knows waht a variety and Quality means a traditional italian bakery.
He introduces us to his friends. Everybady has had something to do with theatre, art, performances.
All in all a beautiful last time in Italy.

From Bari we take the Ferrie to Patras in Greece. After a long not very comfortable journay we reach Patras and decided to hitchhike to athens.
And this works. The first driver takes us 8 kilometers, the second a bigger part. Unfortunatly he leaves us at a place away from the highway. He doesn't speak english at all but speaking with hands and feet was possible and funny.
Than an old lady with to dogs and a lot of chaos in the car takes us to the next petrolstation on the highway.  From there we found a russian Truckdriver who brings us straight to Piraeus the harbour next to athens. In between the sun had been going down and we were happy that we not have to stay at the petrol station for the night. Oleg has had the possibility to speak russian. But in the communication the driver did noy hide that he thinks we are not living in the right way,. We should think about house and children and not travel like this.

From Piraeus to athens and to giannis our new host. He is grazy about hosting people. He host a lot of people in the same time in his two room appartement. In this way he does not have to listen to the stress in his head. He calls this hospitality-solution "healthy noise".

Athens is not one of my favorits. It is not beautiful, very loud and the old greek ruines are not speeking to me. But we have a good time, beside some cold and fever. We are allways meeting interessting people. For example the cyclowns a group of artists and musiscians which travel the world by bicycles. Like the way from Turkey to Indonesia in three years. What dimensions!

Now we are living in Akis appartment. A Engenieur who goes to china for two years to work there. His small appartment has the view to the end of athens and the treeles rough mountains surrounding it.

In Athens a policeman killed a 16 year old boy, now everybody who does not accept this is on the barrikades. There is fighting in the street. We saw a big building completly burned down in the city center. Also the cars in front burned out. For me it looks like an explosion. There was dead. I did not have my kamera with me. There is no information about what is going on in athens, I think the goverment has his hand over it. Just in this minute our host tells us that the police shoot an demonstrating girl today. People start to panic.

The travel shows up his transformatoric power on me. I have the possibility to observe myself getting impatient about the progress of the travel, the relationship and various small things. This life wants me to be patient, relaxed and clear. When I fall out of Relaxation There are difficulties, emotional ones and material ones.
I am happy to be on this way and sometimes I can not believe that it is just the beginning and there are big adventures waiting for us.

Yours Hannah and Oleg


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