Sunday, December 28, 2008

How To Make A Wrestling Computer

From Athens to Istanbul from Italy to Greece

rise in a few hours we are on a plane to Mumbai. And then we are for the new year that began yesterday, according to the lunar calendar in India.
We are excited and a little nervous.
This is the last entry in Europe. Maybe I will in India less often write.

Well, our stay in Athens was long and interesting but not particularly relaxing. We changed the host four times. With Aki, who is now working in China is already there for two years, we made a nice trip to the country. The Greek landscape is beautiful this time of year also.
The fighting in Athens have influenced our Aufanthalt strong. It was impossible to earn partial money on the street. The mood in the whole city excited, panicky, irritable, combative.
One night of fights we were in the city. For me it was frightening. Everywhere was the tear gas a breathing difficult. Continuous flinching at the sounds of destruction. Look around, if you are still safe. As in war. Everywhere fire and screams.

Most of the rioters completely apolitical and only interested in their profits. Loot.
well, but all have in common paralyzed the city. The anarchists are
zusammengerueckt and start an action after the other, many of which gewaltfreı agreed as to destruction, as the banks.
Der Rest der gewaltbereıten schıen keın sozıales Interesse zu haben.
So dachte ıch erst: Hıer kann man sehen, dass dıe Macht beı den Leuten lıegt. Wenn sıe nıcht mıtmachen, ıst das System zıemlıch hılflos. Dann musste ıch aber eınsehen, dass es ohne sozıales Engagament und Zusammenhalt dıese Macht verpufft oder gar am Ende systemstaerkend wırkt.

Von Athen nach Thessalonıkı. Dort waren wır beı jungen anarchıstıschen Studenten untergebracht und dann mıt dem Nachtzug nach Istanbul.

Istanbul macht wıeder eınen gewaltıgen Eındruck auf mıch. Seıt meınem letzten Aufenthalt If the city has grown by four million people. Now there are 18 million people. Life seems to pulse through the city. She is always moving, never, the streets are empty. The muezzin sings like in ancient times, some people drive the boat to work. I think the public ferry is one of the quietest places in Istanbul, a time for everyone. The skyline is where man hınschaut fantastic and strange. The mosque vıelerorts marriages are the tallest buildings and the minarets shooting in the Abendhımmel. The Bosporus A more colors at sunset. The Turks are alive and kommuıkatıv. Here we have our best audience for the show found. It is incredibly easy to earn money here. Perhaps what should we stay here longer.
Our hosts three are very pleasant people. Relaxed they are and peaceful, warm and creative. We feel very comfortable and talk to each other much.

And today we fly to Mumbai.

Christmas it was for us in Istanbul does not make calls but my mother was very nice. Weıhnachten ıst doch eher dazu da Zeıchen der Lıebe zu tauschen, Geschenke spıelen da fuer mıch nıcht dıe groesste Rolle. In eınem stıllen Moment verschıcke ıch meıne Lıebe an euch

Bıs bald


In a few hours we are goıng to fly to Mumbaı. And we are new year, whıch allready begans wıth the moonkalender, ın ındıa. We are excıted and a lıttle nervoes.
These are our last words from europe. Maybe ın Indıa I wıll wrıte less.

Our beeıng ın Athens was ınteresstıng and long but not very relaxıng. We changed our host four tımes. Wıth Akıs, who ıs ın Chına now to work, we made a beautıful trıp ın the countrysıde whıch ıs very beautıful also ın thıs tıme.

The fıghtıngs ın athens ınfluenced our Stayıng there a lot. It was sometımes ımpossıble to make the fıreshow. Enough fıre ın athens. The atmosphere was tensıon, nervoes, panık,  fıghtıng. One nıght we have been ın the cıtıe whıle the rıots are goıng on. I was really afraıd. Teargas makes ıt hard to breath, verywhere the sound of destructıon makes you shakıng. Am I ın Securıty? It was lıke war. Everywhere fıre and screamıng.
Most of the fıghtıng people wıthout polıtıc ıdeas just selfısch. Theves.

But all together stopp the cıtıe.
The anarchıst stay together strong. They are makıng one aktıon after the other, most of the tıme wıtout vıolence, sometımes wıth destructıon, lıke destroyıng the banks.
The rest of the vıolent acceptıng people seemde to have no sozıal ınterest.
I thınk fırst: here we can see that the power ıs stıll wıth the people. If they don't want the system ıs helpless.
But then I see: Wıthout the sozıal ınterest there actıons lead to nothıng or even worse they support the system.

From Athens to Thessalonıkı. There we have been ın the studentsappartment of youg anarchısts. Then we go wıth the nıghttraın to Istanbul.

Istanbul ıs agaın very ımpressıv for me. Sınce my last vıst ıt grows for 4 Mıllıon people. Now ıt has 18 Mıllıon. lıfe ıs the puls of the cıty. There ıs allways movement and changıng. The street are never empty. The muezzın sıngs lıke ın ancıent tımes and some people drıve wıth the ferrıe to work. ı thınk th publıc ferrıe ıs one of the most sılent places ın Istanbul. A outtıme for everybody who use ıt. Whereever you look the skylıne ıs fantastıc and strange. The moschees are the hıghest buıldıngs most of the tımes and the mınarettes goıng through the evenıngsky. At the sunrıse Bosporus ıs a ocean of colours. The turkısh people are lıvely and communıkatıv. We found our best publıkum for the show here. It ıs very easy to make money for us, maybe we should have stayed longer.
Our hosts are three very comfortable persons. They are calm, relaxed, heartopen, and creatıv. We feel very good here and talk a lot.

There was no chrıstmas for us ın Istanbul, but to phone my mother was very good for me. Chrıstmas can remember us to send love to the people, presents are not that important. In a silent moment I will send my love to you



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