Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Suburban Dynaline Blog

holiday ◊ ◊ Flaming Stars Medieval Festival Halkidiki 2010

time for some holiday pictures Oberwössen! For those who do not know where is it: in the Chiemgau in Bavaria. D We were there from 05th to 19th August. It was actually quite nice. The catch was that it rained on 70% of days. The good old days we used, otherwise we were in the pool, in the salt mine, or in the museum ..

Typical houses here in Bavaria

Woessner See

When Windbeutelgräfin

For the pastry Reber in Bad Reichenhall

the shark's mouth of the Natural History Museum

fairly late we went to Salzburg. A great city, we had good weather (for a change) and there was really much to see.

Salzburg Cathedral from inside

In Salzburg, we are in a cab drove through the city * __ * The horses were named Mona and Lisa xD
morning begins my introduction internship for my studies in Filderstadt. It has been a while since I'm going back to work regularly from Monday to Friday. Since the FFO was not him anymore and that's it even more irregular, and sometimes on weekends. Let's see how it is to work not only at the bakery!

flaming stars were really nice this year! Especially because weather was really good this time except for Sunday which was a bit cloudy. Luckily I had a Season ticket, it has really paid off! Have some pictures shot with my new camera (at last):

The Mexican fireworks on Saturday

The following Sunday I had and Thomas to the medieval market the Neuffen:

"Medieval alarm"

fake knights fight: D

I hope the pictures surge has Do not kill ..
I've now decided to make some visual changes and now wants me to grow hair again. I bet I'll miss the short hair, but I just want to do something different and see how it looks with long hair. If that is stupid long, I can always cut yet again. That can only last for a while. I think in a year they will hopefully longer than shoulder length. Also, I'm now a few years the hair exactly the same. Maybe I will drown my hair too. Medium Brown perhaps because light goes anyway, unless I dye them. And color I want. I wish you could go by Fingerschnipsen from short to long hair! Let's see if I hold the "transition phase" and I did not cut it short again ..


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