Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pirsuits Wrestling Shoes


Again, it is as far as each February is the Valentine's Day is here. I left but not by that date . Confused Like every other day I went early in the morning from the house to work. A small smile crossed my face, it certainly was not like every day. A little buzz in my pocket announced me on the train that I had received a text message. I pulled out the phone, looked at the screen. A message to my girlfriend. "Good morning my heart. I wish you a very beautiful and joyful day. Unfortunately I can not meet with you today, I'm sick and should not leave the house. Kiss your sweetheart, "I smiled but did not the same as today was something special. I was only answer, as always. "Good Morning. I wish you a speedy recovery, then perhaps we will see tomorrow. Kiss. "I do not know if it is delayed, I stand still, but I do not think so. At noon I sign most certainly always have on such special days what to do with feelings. Today is not. Then I received the news of her, "Hey bear, why do not you report yourself? I'm doing something better, you know what today is a day? "

because I was rock hard times. "I like to listen to, why should I report me? Nothing happened shattering. And my Knowledge, there should be the 14th be February. Why?

From then on, I heard nothing more from my girlfriend. I finished my current work today a little earlier than usual. Of course I knew myself that today is the day of love. Like any man, I took the road into a flower shop. Once there waiting for me the nice florist already. A large bouquet of roses with white and red flowers in it. The flower girl was still very young and fresh, from the teachings of my assessment. Her eyes fell envious if not wistfully at the flowers because I could not help and she had a white rose given as a farewell. At this gift she was pleased obviously enormous, for radiated her tired eyes as I handed her the flower of the emotions. This was followed briefly by a candle shop, where I got my ordered candle, which had a shape of a heart from. But not just as one can imagine it now, no, the heart looks as if it were molded from flowers. So now armed with gifts and flowers, I took the Intercity train from Zurich. Not the S-Bahn. Because that is usually very crowded at this time, and if my flowers had arrived safely this I do not know.

It was dark when I finally stood before the house of my girlfriend. Somewhat excited I was when I pressed the bell. I heard creaking doors, jangling keys and then the click of a lock. The door opened and my girlfriend was in the trainer and somewhat disheveled hair before me. Her expression told me everything. With me, they seemed to have the least expected today evening. It seemed frozen in a state of shock. But slowly began to thaw and the face to be fueled with new energy. About the flowers she liked, of course, immense, what woman does not. But even more she was happy about the visit I She did. This helped us today, but still close in my arms. When she then learned that her mother knew of my plan, and I for the first time the award was for her daughter to return, she was beside herself. With so much luck they could have expected any more. But love is sometimes containing complicated and confused ways.


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