Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What's That Victory Song

The little fist

An old but not frail man sitting in a dark stone walls. A candle, which slowly but surely drawing to the end, is in one of the time stamped and roasted holder. The Flame licks from the red and because of all the filth which is deposited all over black wax out. What you see in the red light, reminds deepest of the Middle Ages. Two black holes to stare out of a skull. Otherwise, the bookshelves are on which he was filled with small and large oversized books. But to accumulate so much dust and cobwebs From that one could imagine these works only in the outlines. The white hair that covered his head could be just as much white as it had already filed dust. The parchment-colored skin has now begun to merge, forming now a wrinkled surface of the body. Curved sits this there. In the hands of the man holding a book.

Faust: Everything I've learned. From writing to the hieroglyph, from small one time for one to astrophysics. The herbal medicine as well as medicine and surgery is my term. I learned in philosophy seem to know more then, I read Plato, Socrates, and Shakespeare I am not as dramatic foreign. Theology I speak it better than any priest. Even the case law I can do better than the judge himself for what is there? Should I address myself now? My life is immediately over still not satisfied my curiosity. However, I could not find enjoyment in life. Just got all the time. Because who knows when it may be useful to you? Now I use nothing. What I got from all this knowledge?

talks like a fist to himself and insulted the brevity of his life. In his anger he gets up. Accesses to the candle and climbs the stairs which screws slowly on its axis in the air. Once at the top to break through the dusty sunbeams and stuffy air. Coughing, he reached the door. With a jerk, he opened the heavy oak door. The fresh breeze swirled the dust spiral through space. Faust takes his walking stick and old leaves with shuffling steps of his home. When he walk in his current Sun waddles through the streets, he suddenly discovered a wonderful beauty more beautiful than an angel, pure as such. And with a voice as if God himself were speaking through them. It is hardly surprising then that the old Faust fell in love with this young but beautiful woman. It was like love at first sight. This love should drive be for him to be young again immediately. This zest for action, he hurried back to his home.

A loud hiss and rally roars through the large cave. Black soot clouds move over the hot rocks. Red redder and the rocky walls are illuminated. And in the middle of the lime and stone shaped cave you could almost say even in this vault which is supported by natural pillars stands a stone table. Huge. All around, sit and squat little devils. In the middle of the plate burns a small fire of hell. An den Wänden sieht man wie grosse und riesige Flammen das Gestein lecken. Am oberen Ende der Runde sitzt auf einem knochigen Thron Luzifer Persönlich. Seine pechschwarzen Flügel gefalten. Die Hörner gen Himmel gestreckt. Der Grund dieser Sitzung der Kreaturen ist wohl, dass auf der Erde das übel herscht doch nur milde, nicht wie von den Teufeln geplant. Da Stürzt Leviathan in den Raum.

Leviathan: Ich hab des Rätsels Losung. Faust. Wenn wir ihm die Niedertracht der Menschen, von ihm selbst entblössen so stürzt er mehr Menschen in den Untergang als wir jemals könnten.

Luzifer: Und wer should present themselves to the fists? Who should be the capture of its magic?

Satan enters.

Lucifer you shall disclose in the form of Mephistopheles to Faust's dark side.

Satan: I will set my feet on the German property? What I hate even more than the rest of the people? For what reasons I do? With what I have deserved this punishment

Lucifer: You came too late, and punctuality has never been your strength. So go you shall.

you hear the call does not own?

own: How shall I in my Old and my wrinkles at the heart of the young woman win? When I asked her her name is Gretel well.

When I spoke to her, so she called me her name well. Gretel hot it should. But she beat my request they bring from home. My white hair is certainly frightening. The wrinkles on the face seem to be not conducive to clear to me. But all my name is well known. Nevertheless, they kicked me. But if I were young again so could they love me. But how can I get a good person in this miracle?

So he goes up and down. He grabs a book from the shelves.

Faust: This should be the secret of my youth. The formula for the youth.

Faust draws with chalk a circle placed on the ground into it. Mumbles unintelligible words to himself at all. Raises his hands in the air and calls "Satan! Satan! Come, follow me. You shall listen to my command.

It smokes very much and terrible. The polarized shattered half the world. There was only silence again. When the smoke cleared there is a man Hagren as in the mantle. dressed all in black, he is here. Opens his cloak fast and clear. Red are the inside pages. Pale face that speaks.

Satan: Called me you have you Goal I was so up through the narrow tube hell. What do you want from me little runt? Speak! Or did you weggeraubt breath? In order to express your heart's desire?

Faust: Quiet! Silence! Who will you be? Satan's face I know not.

Satan: Sure, I'm the same. However, would you poor little human creature not bear the sight of my true face. Thou shalt not dare. That is why I come to you as Mephisto.

Faust: Bound to my order? Not bringing my soul?

Meph: Surely I come here to serve to you for you. Your desire to be young reached my ear. But why only?

Faust: To rekindle the heart of the fire with love Gretel.

Meph: It shall be so. But what is my reward for that?

Faust, My soul shall have you. But only if my inner being I do not want to be good.

Meph: It shall be so. If your time has come I will show you that you brought the world to burn.

leave with these words Mephisto the house. Faust and looks to a young face as he looks in the mirror.

hear you soon sound in the whole area wedding bells. Faust gets his wife Gretel. Happy to live a full life. With children as it should be. But Faust is getting old and weak again. As Mephisto knocks on the door. Faust goes and opens it. Outside, only a small poodle. Faust makes him inside. Since the poodle transforms its shape and, as Faust Mephisto.

Faust: "Ah, this was the gist of the matter

Meph: Good day my wonderful soul. Now you are ready to come with me?

Faust: My life was nice and well, nothing I've done wrong so you come crawling out of hell?

Meph: Your life will be a shame! Your sentence worse than poison. Too fast is your revenge.

Faust: This should not be.

Meph: Should I realize how you put the world in flames?

Faust: Yes. But before we go back I entrust to you do not let my poor wife and children. Because his arm is out of luck.

Meph: Gold and silver are the treasures of my kingdom. Not on starvation is to end your family.

Faust left a chest of gold and a piece of paper. Gretel is not to look for him and not to miss. So now go fist with Satan on the trip.

Meph: I'll show you the world is a whore, they'll take anything, but gives nothing back without a fight. All on this World are sinners of the small farmer to the pope.

Faust: This can not be and I'll show you.

Meph: your long life you have probably used. You learned in that time all that is known to knowledge. Nevertheless, your greed for knowledge is not extinguished.

thumb: I do not know a lot. But what to do with this knowledge? Will you tell me? Or do I have unknowing end my life?

Meph: You always wanted more, I gave you everything you're never satisfied. But what do you do with your knowledge only? All your knowledge will not help, your verdict is still clouded.

Faust: No this should not be, I've already told you. My opinion is error-free. Only good does make my decisions. Judge Man can run faster than the devil:

Meph. And since you are no exception.

cross during this interview, you are in a mighty stream. On the bridge, a cry penetrates to the ears of Faust. To help would be appreciated. Faust looks into the rushing water. He does drive a young man in the water.

Faust: Mephisto get him out. Help the poor people.

Meph: Let's drive it. My advice thou shalt Leave behind your ears.

thumb: Do not you see the man drowns. He is not actually swim powerful. He is equal to swallow more water than it can bear. So he help it is to obey my command to you and you have me, because I have you once summoned and bound to me.

Meph: Well let's do it, but you remember my words right. You'll wish you I never would have done.

transported with these words back to Satan with a powerful unseen force the helpless people to the banks of river.

The way the two leads them in a pub outside the towns and villages.

already sitting there in a corner of a monk with a beautiful Girl.

Meph: Let us sit down to the two. I will show as a conscience of a monk working.

you sat down.

Faust is talking eagerly with the young girl. But the monk's voice is. Only Mephisto sits down in his chair and did not move.

Faust: What do you think of this man? - He points to Satan.

Monk: His presence exudes such calm. His soul's doing very well. He is goodness personified. Almost as pure as an angel.

Faust: Not a Problem Child can he be?

Monk: Of course not, no.

an angel rather, his face so beautiful and healthy. No devil is in the covenant.

Faust: Who is the girl here? Your ward or I mistake me.

Monk: No, you are mistaken up until now, never. My ward is yes. An orphan by the hand of God pointed at me. Now I moved it to in meaning good.

Faust: Sure you did. Where she sleeps for tonight? Can they possibly share her bed with me?

girl: God does not look like this. But the monk is God's voice represented and not I, I ignorant thing.

Mephistopheles leans over to the monks. Even whispers something into the ear.

monk, God sees this not safe to meet, but you shall have it tonight when the moon watches the sky.

rode the next day Mephistopheles and Faust through the country.

Faust: What have you twittered the monk's ear?

Meph: That he gets a box of gold from me if they can give it. You look so quickly not only blind to the truth even dishonest he is certainly no. His greed for gold is insatiable. For he does everything. That's what you have learned.

the two move in the direction of Rome. The goal is to be the Vatican. On the way they raced again in a pub. They are witnesses to a card game. A man is sitting there with his cards and a pile of debt. He can not afford them. Thus, the death is near.

Faust: Mephisto help the man save him from his debt. Give him gold from your kingdom.

Meph: So it should not be. He carries the penalty of law. You shall not help him. Because he will not give thanks.

fist: He should not. But now help him quickly. Before it's too late has come.

Mephisto helps the debtors from the terminal, handed over to gold and silver from its earth kingdom.

arrived in the Vatican Mephistopheles leads Faust to the Pope's banquet.

Faust: Bigger is still considered the king of his Essensmahl. But before the walls of his house hungry people, it is ne Qual But so it does not see the pope. His money to foreign parts he is.

Pope: Will you two come just the same, my guests, it should be.

take as Faust and Satan at the gift table of the pope and the cardinals place. But this is only because the pope they were my two rich Handelsleut.

Pope: From the sins of God shall mankind break free. With money to buy salvation. Thus the soul is to run through the gates of heaven.

Meph: The sins of the devil will expire at the every man.

Pope: What you shall be a heretic? The talks here and makes me a pain.

Meph: The devil's sin is to just pass away like the god, because no one should be left before Peter's gate. So you see's also safe.

Pope: Certainly it should be.

Mephisto to Faust: "Thus says the wine.

Mephisto loudly every man have a wife, is not enough to let him have the two BWA.

Pope: Of course it should be, in my own case to be a woman.

Faust: What is the Gotteslästerei. So go I want. The church is me again.

Thus, the two men left the Vatican and move on again to the north.

sees Suddenly his fist on the edge of a man hanging from a tree. He quickly rushes. Stops and frightened. He looks into his own face.

Faust: So I want to end? Is this my future?

Meph: No, look closer. Your son is one of dangles. It is your punishment has come. Your conduct has brought him even to this tree.

Do you remember the man in the river? You should not save him, for he was a ne'er a villain. Your family had no money and soon they were alone. You have to be left alone in their troubles. He attempted, up to hate, to earn money with the man. But he could not repay. Pay so he had to with his life the buses.

Faust: I wish only good doing

Meph: Did not I tell you that your actions are on a hurry? Your knowledge does not help you if the application does not understand? You shall now suffering like no other has suffered. I'll lead you in mind.

The player has the only debt that you have saved it. In this case, however, exposes your wife and daughter. For what the player did with the money. A brothel he was doing. And since women had to suffer at your no money and no son and brother. So they sold their soul not just the players and their flesh and blood they sold.

Faust falls in on itself.

Faust: What have I done? My soul can not bear this like that I deliver. It's an order.

Meph: commands you much longer. But listening is you no one. My spell is broken. Sun Winsl loud and beg but also your soul comes to me now.

Faust: I will not plea. I will survive everything.

Satan is transformed back into its original shape. clings to the soul of Faust and thunder with her back Gen hell.

In Hell are now Faust's deeds directed Lucifer himself sends the soul to eternal damnation in the most terrible of all the dungeons of hell. There is Faust a thousand deaths and suffering in the suffering that he has his own flesh and blood has brought he should perish.


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