Monday, November 22, 2010

Why Would I Have Such A Bad Herpes Outbreak


A round table is made of black stone gehaunen middle of a room that look as if the walls of a reddish Rocks had been beaten. Along the wall, draws a small but powerful fire. The room smells subtly soot and sulfur.

Dull and bright and click clack is approaching the area. Followed by a loud. Since death occurs with a scythe which he left to duke the room. His black cape blowing in the warm breeze which blows out of the room. It can probably conclude that the passage that leads to this room is also made of rocks. Death sat at the round table. The scythe by his side at the edge of the table leaning. He stretches out what a terrible crunching and crackling brings. A small bright translucent penetrates the darkness of the tunnel. It is rapidly approaching. Even the room is slightly illuminated by a bluish glow. At the entrance stands an angel with white wings spread. He looks hot with his eyes around the room joins then after a moment's hesitation in addition to the death. As a bright tongue of flame licks up on the other side of death from the ground. This results in a form rises with horns on his head and a pointed tail. The trident in his right hand can quickly realize the devil has entered the room. A low polders and a glistening bright light coming out of the tunnel. More and brighter the light. As a gigantic angel enters the room, the another look at him hardly. So much beauty radiates the essence. But there is a deep black soot cloud covered the face of the pretty boy. When they had cleared a black ugly figure stood in its place. Gigantic steal instead of hands. Horns on the head and an ugly grimace on his face. Shall set this against the death to the table.

"Thank you. My fellow travelers. "While welcoming the round. "I Lucifer, once the most beautiful thing in the sky now the most powerful of the earth, am inviting you to a battle of Töterei one. "-" Very nice and good, but what should be the meaning of the whole, "said the angel felt. "A comparison of the machinery of death will happen here today. Who is probably the most feared of all death. "A laugh from the devil's mouth resounds the walls. "Haha, what a question? I am. No one except me can before the death of a man let him suffer again by his crimes. Someone on request, in Beyond transport. Often I am called "The devil is hollow you," I will do my job and join him soon in the realm of death. " - I do not see great, "the angel announces again," I leave my sleeping victims?. Only then I will lead them into the kingdom of death. . Old and sick people fall in my area "Energetic throws the devil:" common people, villain and a murderer to be my companion. Who have well deserved I get it. "The rumble of thunder like rumbles through the room. "All the rotten people who like to inflict suffering another which is added at her death and suffering. I shall place it absolutely the greatest evil is a fire is my main area. The bodies are burning. Like the souls will burn in my hell. But drown freeze well and I am not a stranger. "

the bony hand of death touches the hood of his skull. The empty black holes look terrible. It stretches and stretches and is now somewhat larger than before. "What you are but fools. Such a betting game you can only lose. Even you Lucifer Prince of Darkness can not win. The most terrible of all death is still death itself in all its forms and shapes. None of you is, or was able dahinzuraffen millions of people. I pulled even with my black cloth over the fields and I cities. And everything in between I was withered. I stopped in front of anyone. He was so young or old. He had money or he was a beggar, all I did the same. No one escaped the Black Death. man is ever so rich, he thinks he is God. Or God's Chosen. Is it the whole world is called Pope or sheikh. If he is poor as a church mouse. Gnaws starve. If its just plain skull born almost bald. He was old with no hair on his body. In young athletes years. The most beautiful in the world so they can be. But all this is only apparent. No one I can escape the Grim Reaper. You choose my friends often the way to the afterlife. But no one escapes death. So I am probably the most feared of all. Nobody wants to die. But they do it all. All end up sooner or later in my book of names. Forever and ever, they are there. As recorded death and another to a place. "

A violent nod and murmur of approval went through the round. They were soon engaged. It all needs specifically related to the death here. But the death itself still holds all the reins. And he waits at the end of every life. This is much safer than the gospel truth.


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